I am grateful that you considered this page. With a divine purpose from God to help you find, focus and fulfill your purpose, I want to encourage you to know that:
- God loves you and has a plan for your life.
- God wants to reveal this plan to you so that you can have the best life ever. It doesn't matter what your life has been in the past or where your life is now, God has custom designed the best life for your future.
- God desires an intimate relationship with you and He has made this possible through his son Jesus Christ. An intimate relationship with God is simple. Confess your sins and receive His forgiveness and you will be saved. Invite Jesus Christ into your life, make Him Lord and you can begin living your best life right now.
- God's love for you is unconditional and eternal and He promises that nothing will separate you from His love. He will make you a son or daughter and heal, deliver and protect you. He will be your Heavenly Father.
If you are ready for a relationship with God right now, just pray to Him and say, "God, I need you. Please come into my life and save me through your son Jesus Christ who died for my sins. Forgive my sins, I am ready to live my best life by giving it to you. I want to get to know you better and learn more about the love and plan you have for my life. Thank you Jesus for being my Saviour and I make you my Lord. Amen."
If you prayed sincerely then you are saved. You are now part of God's kingdom family, and are on your way to heaven! Now, go and tell someone about how Jesus has just changed your life for the better!
I hope this was as exciting for you to experience as it was for me to share. We would enjoy talking with you more about this life changing encounter you've just had with God. So, come on by and be our guest at the Christian Celebration Center Church (Lansing) and tell us about it.
Remember God loves you...hope to see or talk with you soon.
Pastor Terrence